Lending Club and Prosper are two options for getting an online loan

If you are in America, there are two primary platforms where you can invest in making personal loans to your peers: LendingClub and Prosper.

Million Dollar Club Title Picture

I have taken the plunge and joined the Million Dollar Club. What is it? It’s a club where you pledge your intentions on reaching that Million Dollars!

Earn real cryptocurrency from playing Crypto Idle Miner

Earn real HORA tokens while playing the Crypto Idle Miner game. This simulation lets you learn about mining crypto wile earning real tokens!

In May my P2P and crowdfunding investment profile returned an average of 0.91%. These highest of these returns came from: Envestio (+1.5%) Bondora (+1.17%) Fast Invest (+1.14%). Quick Summary The main items that happened this month include: Lendy (big European P2P player) entering into Administration Investing in water infrastructure in Somalia. Africa New investments through …

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